Yes! Another successful week!
We worked on vowels Ii, Ee, Uu and just introduced Aa today! He does ok with naming that vowel in small three letter words, although he has a little trouble remembering the Ee. He did manage to write it correctly this week, though! I found that he was a bit more "in tune" with naming them when there was a bunny cracker for a treat ;)
Here is our typical home school day as of right now. {I think the first six weeks are not as much work}
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday we begin no later than 9 AM. I want to use the mornings for getting up, dressed and basic tidying up completed so I am not thinking about all the things that need to be done and I can be focused as well. ;) We start with prayer by asking God to help us learn so we can be trained and used for His glory! Then Kien tells me the months of the year, days of the week and then tells me what day of the month it is. Then we will say the full date, IE: Friday, September 7th, 2012. Then he gets to share the weather report! Sunny, cloudy, rainy etc...
Once this is completed we move on to counting one to ten then ten to one. I then will continue with the Numbers curriculum. Then we move on to writing, phonics, social studies, science, bible activity & Awana's verse of the week. Kien is in Sparks this year and Gabe is in Cubbies. I work with Gabe as well (after Kien is finished with his daily lessons).
So far Kien has been learning about the 7 days of creation and his scripture for the last week was: John 3:16 For God so loved the world....
This week he is at -John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son...
I love how they break it up to make it easier to remember!
Well, there ya have it. That's all for now, I am about to start planning for lesson week 3 before I have to get dinner in the oven! Every little open window helps! I cannot even imagine what it is like to home school more than TWO! I am glad Gabe doesn't really "start" for 2 more years!
Until next week!
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